Rulebook Library Extension
Action doActionOnce() Hook
of ADV3 Rules and Rulebooks
The Tads 3 Rulebooks
library extension is meant to help an author facilitate complex relationships
in a rule-driven manner.
The basic datatype is
the Association. This class is subclassed into the following:
Relations – these classes evaluate all of
their associations then invoke their exec() method.
Rules – these classes must have all of
their associations evaluate either true or nil before they will invoke their
exec() method.
Rulebooks – these classes must have one of
their associations evaluate either true or nil before they will invoke their
exec() method.
In addition, each of
these classes is subclassed based on what sort of evaluation return the
association will send after its exec() method has been invoked:
true –
regardless of the return from exec() the class will evaluate true.
nil – regardless
of the return from exec() the class will evaluate nil.
value –
the class will evaluate with the value returned from its exec() method.
The datatypes
encapsulate the following properties:
If non-nil this points to the object
that considers this object its association.
Indicates how processing of
associations is to be handled by the object. The valid values are:
– all associations are to be processed and exec() is to be invoked.
– In order for exec() to be invoked all of the associations must evaluate nil.
If any association does not do so then evaluation of associations stops and
exec() is not invoked.
– In order for exec() to be invoked all of the associations must evaluate true.
If any association does not do so then evaluation of associations stops and
exec() is not invoked.
– In order for exec() to be invoked one of the associations must evaluate nil.
If none of the associations does so then exec() is not invoked.
– In order for exec() to be invoked one of the associations must evaluate true.
If none of the associations does so then exec() is not invoked.
Indicates how evaluation of this
object is to be handled once exec() is to be invoked. The valid values are:
– return to the caller the return value of the exec() invocation.
– return nil to the caller.
– return true to the caller.
Indicates the association to be
evaluated when exec() is invoked. If Association’s default exec() method has
been overridden and not inherited then this property will be ignored. This is
equivalent to coding the following:
exec() { return (execAssoc.eval(); }
This property is a list of the
datatype’s associations. Depending on the datatype’s class this list may
represent relationships, prerequisites, or members. The result of evaluation of
these associations determines whether the datatype’s exec()
method is invoked.
This method is meant to be called
when an author desires to evaluate a datatype. Evaluation means that the
datatype’s associations will be processed (evaluated), and if indicated, the
datatype’s exec() method invoked.
This method is executed when the
datatype is evaluated, via its eval() method. This method processes the
evaluation of the datatype’s associations and returns true
or nil to indicate whether the datatype’s exec()
method should be invoked.
This method determines what the object
will return when it’s exec() method is to be invoked. Based on execCtl, the
object may return nil, true, or the return value from exec().
This method is invoked only when the
datatype’s check() method returns true.
Additionally, the datatypes
have the following methods for use in verifying, adding, and removing
Appends the value obj
to the datatype’s associations. If afterObj is supplied then obj
is appended to the datatype’s associations after afterObj.
If afterObj is not found in the datatype’s
associations then obj is appended to the end of datatype’s
Returns true
if obj is one of the datatype’s
associations. Otherwise nil is returned.
Returns the number of associations
for this datatype.
Prepends the value obj
to the datatype’s associations. If beforeObj is supplied then obj
is prepended to the datatype’s associations before beforeObj. If beforeObj is not found in the datatype’s
associations then obj is prepended to the end of
datatype’s associations.
Removes obj
from this datatype’s associations. If obj is not one of the datatype’s
associations the method does nothing.
The following table
summarizes the characteristics of Association subclasses:
Class |
Do All |
All True |
All Nil |
Exist True |
Exist Nil |
Return Value |
Return True |
Return Nil |
Relation |
X |
X |
RelationDoAllRetVal |
X |
X |
RelationDoAllRetTrue |
X |
X |
RelationDoAllRetNil |
X |
X |
Rule |
X |
X |
RuleAllTrueRetVal |
X |
X |
RuleAllTrueRetTrue |
X |
X |
RuleAllTrueRetNil |
X |
X |
RuleAllNilRetVal |
X |
X |
RuleAllNilRetTrue |
X |
X |
RuleAllNilRetNil |
X |
X |
Rulebook |
X |
X |
RulebookExistTrueRetVal |
X |
X |
RulebookExistTrueRetTrue |
X |
X |
RulebookExistTrueRetNil |
X |
X |
RulebookExistNilRetVal |
X |
X |
RulebookExistNilRetTrue |
X |
X |
RulebookExistNilRetNil |
X |
X |
Defining any of the Association
subclasses is:
<assocName1:> AssocSubclass
= assocName2>
= assocName3>
{ // do something }>
Each object can have any
number of associations. These are identified as members of the object’s assoc
list. They can be defined by setting their location property to point to the
object, or by use of the Tads 3 “+” notation.
An example Rulebook might look something like this:
+ Rule; //
Notice that this rule has associations.
++ Rule;
++ Rule;
+ Rule;
+ Rule;
The rulebook will evaluate each rule until one returns true. At that point evaluation of its associations stop and the rulebook will return true to its caller.
Below is an example rule defining an exec() method that returns true. Since this is a rule the return value of its exec() will be returned to its caller.
do something
Below is an example of how to define a rule with “prerequisites” that will return the evaluation of a rulebook. MyRule will first evaluate each of its associations, and if each returns true then it will return the value of the evaluation of myRulebook:
MyRule: RuleAllTrueRetVal
= myRulebook
+ Rule;
+ Rule;
+ Rule;
+ Rule;
+ Rule;
The will implement a simple override of the ADV3 library’s Action process, allowing an author to incorporate rule handling into the process.
While there are many
ways that rules and rulebooks can be coded, the conceptual design behind the
Rulebooks library extension has been to make rules as atomic as possible.
Rather than coding multiple complex conditions in a single method, the library
makes use of “associations”, which are in turn rules or rulebooks. These
associations must all be true in order for the rule to execute.
The ADV3 Rulebooks
library extension provides a rules.t module that contains some predefined rules
that are useful in dealing with the “globals” of the TADS ADV3 library.
In general to use one
of these rules, simply define an anonymous instance of the desired rule and
assign an appropriate value to its value property.
These are as follows:
This rule returns true
when the player character equals or is of kind value;
otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the actor equals or is of kind value; otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the player character location equals or is of kind value;
otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the actor location equals or is of kind value;
otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the action equals or is of kind value; otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the direct object equals or is of kind value;
otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the indirect object equals or is of kind value;
otherwise it returns nil.
This rule returns true
when the game clock time equals value or is between start
and end inclusive; otherwise it returns nil.
The Rulebooks library
extension provides a rulebooks.t module that contains some predefined rulebooks
and associated rules that are useful in dealing with the “action” phase of the
TADS ADV3 library.
In general to use one
of these rulebooks, simply include rulebooks.t in your compilation.
These are as follows:
This rulebook
automatically stores any InsteadOfActionRule rules.
This rulebook
automatically stores any BeforeActionRule rules.
This rulebook
automatically stores any CheckActionRule rules.
This rulebook
automatically stores any InsteadOfExecActionRule rules.
This rulebook
automatically stores any ExecActionRule rules.
This rulebook
automatically stores any AfterActionRule rules.
By including the
rb_mods.t file in your compilation the ADV3 Action class’ doActionOnce() method
will automatically provide “hooks” into the evaluation of the predefined
rulebooks of rulebooks.t.
The behavior of these
hooks is consistent across all stages of the Action doActionOnce() phase: the
appropriate rulebook is given first shot at handling the phase. If the rulebook
evaluates as true then it is assumed that the phase has been handled by the
rulebook; otherwise the library’s default handling takes over.
The following examples
are part of the sample game source included with the Rulebooks library
extension. We explain how some of this code works.
Suppose we wish to do something
during a specific period of game clock time. We must first determine at which
stage of the Action execution phase we want our rule to have effect. In the
example below we choose an InsteadOfAction rule, which means the whole action
phase will be bypassed if the InsteadOfActionRulebook returns true.
If the rulebook returns nil then library’s default checkRemapping() mechanism takes over.
Next we determine what
we want the rule to do by defining an exec() method. In the example below this
method will simply display the game clock time.
msg =
'GCT: ' + Schedulable.gameClockTime + '. '
+ GctRule
start = 3
end = 5
The GctRule
definition is our InsteadOfActionRule rule’s association (or
prerequisite). We’ve defined this rule using the TADS 3 “+” notation to
indicate its associate with the InsteadOfActionRule. We have only to define the game
clock start and end
values for this rule.
When an action’s doActionOnce() method is called the first stage will be to evaluate
the InsteadOfActionRulebook. Each association will be evaluated
individually until one of them returns true or the list has been exhausted. When
our InsteadOfActionRule is evaluated its associations will
be evaluated. Since GctRule has no associations its exec()
method will be executed. If the game clock time is between 3 and 5 inclusive it
will return true to its caller. Since our InsteadOfActionRule has only one association this will
satisfy its prerequisites and it will execute the message displaying the game
clock time.
Our next example is a
little more complex. In this case we want to prevent our actor from taking the
loaf of bread when he is in the kitchen. In this situation we arbitrarily chose
the Actor Action stage, using an ActorActionRule.
msg =
'{You/he} reach{es} for the loaf, but think better of it. '
The rule only defines
the message to be displayed and indicates to the caller that it has handled the
process. The associations for this rule include 2 rules and a rulebook:
+ GactionRule
value = TakeAction
+ GactorLocRule
value = kitchen
+ Rulebook
For the purpose of this
example (and unlike the sample game source) we’ve defined the rulebook
anonymously. The rulebook also has two associated rules (indicated by the “++”
level notation):
++ GdobjRule
= Chair
++ GdobjRule
= Food
So in this particular
example the actor would be prevented from taking either a Chair class object or
a Food class object while in the kitchen.